Published: 13.05.2008 Updated: 26.07.2024
Primary Information
Name Universal Investment Bank AD Skopje
Headquarters st. Maksim Gorki br. 6
Single registration number 4646088
Number of Employees 362 (30. 06. 2024 inclusive)
Overview of the financial activities that the Bank may carry out in accordance with the Founding and Operation License issued by the Governor of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
1. Accepting deposits and other repayable funds
2. Lending in the country, including factoring and financing commercial transactions
3. Lending abroad, including factoring and financing commercial transactions
4. Issuance and administration of payment instruments (payment cards, checks, traveler’s checks, bills of exchange)
5. Financial leasing
6. Foreign exchange operations
7. Domestic and international payment operations including purchase and sale of foreign currency
8. Fast money transfer
9. Issuance of payment guarantees, bill of exchange guarantees and other forms of security
10. Renting safe deposit boxes, depositories and depot
11. Trading in instruments on the money market (bills of exchange, checks, certificates of deposit)
12. Trading in foreign assets including trading in precious metals
13. Trade in securities
14. Trading with financial derivatives
15. Custody of clients’ securities
16. Advising legal entities regarding capital structure, business strategy or other related issues or providing services related to merger or acquisition
17. Intermediation in sale of insurance policies
18. Intermediation in concluding credit and loan agreements
19. Processing and analyzing information on creditworthiness of legal entities
20. Insurance agency
21. Economic and financial consulting
22. Marketing of mandatory and/or voluntary funded pension insurance;
Overview of financial activities currently carried out by the Bank
1. Accepting deposits and other repayable funds
2. Lending in the country, including factoring and financing commercial transactions
3. Lending abroad, including factoring and financing commercial transactions
4. Issuance and administration of payment instruments (payment cards, checks, traveler’s checks, bills of exchange)
5. Foreign exchange operations
6. Domestic and international payment operations including purchase and sale of foreign currency
7. Fast money transfer
8. Issuance of payment guarantees, bill of exchange guarantees and other forms of security
9. Renting safe deposit boxes, depositories and depot
10. Trading in foreign assets including trading in precious metals
11. Trading with financial derivatives
12. Insurance agency
13.Marketing of mandatory and/or voluntary funded pension insurance.
Overview of financial activities for which the Governor of the NBRM has imposed a ban or restriction for their performance
Shareholders with qualified participation
Name Ceko Todorov Minev
Address Dospat 20 BT. 2, Sofia, Bulgaria
Number of shares held by the shareholder in the Bank 198.994 ordinary shares, representing 36,45% of the total number of ordinary shares.
Shareholders with qualified participation
Name Ivajlo Dimitrov Mutafchiev
Address Krusheska Gradina 28, Sofia, Bulgaria
Number of shares held by the shareholder in the Bank 198.994 ordinary shares, representing 36,45% of the total number of ordinary shares
Amount of subscribed share capital
MKD 545.987.000,,00
Shareholders without qualified participation
Total number of shareholders without qualified participation in the Bank 378
Total number of ordinary shares held by shareholders without qualified participation 147.999 ordinary shares
Their overall participation in the total number of shares 27,10%
Share capital structure of Universal Investment Bank AD Skopje by type of shares
Total number of ordinary shares 545.987
Par value of shares 1.000,00 денари
Amount of own funds MKD 3.251.679 thousand
Capital adequacy as at June 30, 2024 19,74%
Capital requirement for covering credit risk – June 30, 2024 The total capital requirement for covering the credit risk is MKD 1.133.443 thousand.
The capital requirement for covering the credit risk for balance sheet items is MKD 1.098.620 thousand.
The capital requirement for covering the credit risk for off-balance sheet items is MKD 34.823 thousand.
Capital requirement for covering foreign exchange risk – June 30, 2024 MKD 8.552
Capital requirement for covering the market risk – June 30, 2024 According to the Methodology for determining the capital adequacy, the Bank does not calculate capital for covering the market risk.
Capital requirement for covering price risk – June 30, 2024 /
Capital requirement for covering the amounts exceeding the exposure limits – June 30, 2024 /
Capital requirement for covering operation risk – June 30, 2024 MKD 175.598 thousand
Average leverage ratio 11,86%
Regular core capital 3.016.354 thousand denars
Supplementary capital 235.325 thousand denars
Core capital 3.251.679 thousand denars
Amount of the total balance sheet exposure used to calculate leverage ratio 26.381.298 thousand denars
Amount of the total off-balance sheet exposure used to calculate leverage ratio 523.648 thousand denars
Total balance sheet receivables of the Bank in accordance with the latest financial statements 26.387.104 thousand denars
Total off-balance sheet receivables of the Bank in accordance with the latest financial statements 2.169.166 thousand denars
Differences - balance sheet exposure The difference is due to the exemption of the accumulated amortization accounts in loans to and receivables from other customers when calculating the indebtedness rate in accordance with the prescribed regulation.
Differences – off-balance sheet exposure The difference is due to the application of conversion factors when calculating the indebtedness rate in accordance with the prescribed regulation
Amount of restructured receivables in accordance with the Decision on supervisory standards for regulating overdue receivables of the Bank. 116.332 thousand denars
Brief description of the Bank’s Strategy for acquisition of equity shares in other legal entities The Bank has equity investments in non-bank financial institutions, which represent 0,41% of the Bank’s own assets. According to the Bank’s policy, equity investments in non-bank financial institutions or non-financial institutions are classified as investments available for sale. The Bank’s Business and Development Policy does not provide for increasing the Bank’s equity investment in the upcoming period. In order to ensure timely and accurate monitoring of the exposure, in case of change of the amount of equity investment or increased equity investments the Risk Management Division and the Regulatory Compliance Division shall prepare an opinion on the effects of the investment and the compliance with the set limits. The Business and Development Policy of the Bank does not provide for purchase or construction of office buildings for the Bank. The decision to invest in real estate shall be reached by the Bank’s Supervisory and Management Board and the Risk Management Division shall give its opinion on the effects of the investment in real estate and the compliance with the limits set by the NBRM.
Brief description of the Bank’s policy for equity investments accounting valuation The equity investments are classified as available for sale in the Bank’s income statement. They are carried at fair value excluding equity investments that have no quoted market price and are measured at cost less impairment losses. Gains or losses arising from remeasurement at fair value represent the difference between the amortized cost and the current fair value of the asset and they are included directly in the equity and reserves under the heading “Revaluation Reserves – Differences arising from valuation of available-for-sale assets”. In managing the risk from equity investments, the Bank is in compliance with the limits set out in the Banking Law.
Amount of the equity investments and their classification by type, subject to trading on the Macedonian Stock Exchange The equity investments that are subject to trading on the Macedonian Stock Exchange are comprised of investments in the following legal entities: *Clearing House - Clearing Interbank System AD: 6,730 thousand denars. *Central Securities Depository: 890 thousand denars. *Macedonian Stock Exchange for long-term securities: MKD 5,486 thousand.
Structure of equity investments by sectors (equity investments in banks, other financial institutions, non-financial institutions, non-residents) Equity investments in other financial institutions: *Clearing House - Clearing Interbank System AD *Central Securities Depository *Macedonian Stock Exchange for long-term securities
Cumulative amount of realized gains (losses) resulting from the sale of investments during the reporting period - N/A No
Total amount of unrealized gains (losses) from equity investments - N/A No